Provider Training

PCG is committed to supporting and growing the in-home service provider workforce through dedicated education and resources. We offer a range of training courses aimed at helping providers succeed in their work. Please see below for details on the training courses available.

In-Person Provider Training

Public Consulting Group (PCG), on behalf of the Ohio Department of Medicaid, is offering free IN-PERSON provider trainings around the state focused on the Ohio Home Care Waiver rules. These sessions will provide a high-level overview of provider requirements, documentation requirements, the structural review process, and expectations for reporting incidents.

In-person trainings will be held in different locations across the state on a quarterly basis. Upcoming sessions (exact dates and location to be determined):

  • May 2025 – Youngstown area

Click here for details on our next session!

These trainings can be used toward the annual 6-hour CE requirement for Non-Agency PCAs.

Continuing Education Training

In collaboration with the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM), PCG developed a variety of continuing education (CE) courses that meet the requirements for ODM’s required annual 6 hours of CE for Non-Agency PCAs. You will receive a certificate of completion upon filling out the information form and viewing the training.

The training courses below can be used toward the annual 6-hour CE requirement for Non-Agency PCAs. Providers may earn credits equating to the number of hour(s) listed next to each training title.

  • This training provides a deep dive into Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules that govern how providers of Ohio Home Care and MyCare waivers furnish services to their Waiver individuals. The Conditions of Participation section focuses on all waiver provider types. The Provider Specifications section focuses on Personal Care Aides and Home Care Attendants. (Note: Further specification trainings for other provider types will be provided at a later date.) Knowing and understanding the various rules will help ensure the health and welfare of Waiver individuals.

    Click Here To Register

  • Please click here to access quiz

  • As a provider you are responsible for maintaining documentation that meets current requirements in order to comply with Waiver regulations. However, searching for or creating compliant forms can be a time consuming and difficult barrier for many providers. Now that you have access to the provider toolkit, a collection of forms to help providers remain in compliance with documentation, we hope this responsibility will be a bit easier. This training will orient providers to the Provider Toolkit forms available to nurses, home care attendants and personal care aides and offer insight into how to…

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  • Professionalism is the competence or skill expected of a professional. It involves the use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, emotions, values and reflection in daily practice that benefits the individual and community being served. Professional boundaries define where we go, what we should do and how close we get to people both physically and emotionally. In this training, we will discuss professionalism and professional boundaries. You will learn why boundaries are important, how to maintain professional relationships with individuals and review unprofessional behavior scenarios and discuss how the situations could have been handled better.

    Click Here To Register

  • This training helps providers learn how to effectively manage their business. Topics covered include best practices for record keeping, waiver tax requirements, billing issues, and common mistakes and how to avoid them. The Structural Review process will also be discussed in detail to ensure that providers are prepared with all necessary paperwork.

    Click Here To Register

  • This training provides a deep dive into the Incident Management Rule, which identifies events that may cause harm to the individual, such as abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The training focuses on the provider’s responsibility to ensure the Individual’s health and welfare as a mandated reporter. During the training, we will also review the investigation process and the provider’s role in that process.

    Click Here To Register

  • Person-centered planning is the method used to identify the waiver services an individual needs in order to stay healthy, safe, and have a good life. As a provider, you are expected to understand and contribute to the person-centered planning process. You are also expected to provide services as dictated by the process.

    Click Here To Register

  • As a provider, you are an important resource for the individual and should always be on the lookout for threats to their health, safety and welfare. In this training we will define abuse and neglect toward individuals enrolled in the Ohio Home Care and MyCare Ohio Waivers. We will review examples including real events that PCG has investigated in order to help you identify abuse and neglect and avoid falling into common pitfalls that lead to events being substantiated. Additionally, we will review provider reporting responsibilities, and contributing factors that can lead to paid and unpaid caregiver abuse and neglect. Finally, we will share coping strategies to help manage those contributing factors.

    Click Here To Register

  • Individuals enrolled in the Ohio Home Care and MyCare Ohio Waivers can fall prey to misappropriation and exploitation in devastating ways. Waiver providers are an important resource for the individual and should always be on the lookout for threats to their health, safety, and welfare. In this training we will define and identify the dynamics of this form of financial abuse. We will review provider reporting responsibilities and discuss examples of real events that PCG has investigated in order to help you identify misappropriation and exploitation and avoid falling into common pitfalls that lead to events being substantiated. Finally, we will share ways that you can help individuals protect themselves.

    Click Here To Register

  • This training provides an overview of the specifications and requirements for various waiver services such as Community Integration and Transition, Adult Day Health Center, Out of Home Respite, Supplemental Transportation Services, Home Delivered Meals, and Personal Emergency Services. The training is geared toward waiver nurses, personal care aides, and home care attendants.

    Click Here To Register

  • Understanding how an individual has experienced trauma in their life helps you adopt a trauma-informed approach to services that supports a feeling of safety and avoids actions that could retraumatize the individual. This training will define trauma, trauma informed care, and provide an overview of the assumptions and driving principles of a trauma-informed approach and helpful trauma related responses when interacting with individuals who have experienced trauma in their life.

    Click Here To Register

  • As a provider, you are responsible for understanding and complying with both federal and state rules and regulations regarding HIPAA and privacy. In this course, we will define HIPAA and the Waiver rules that follow HIPAA. Additionally, we will discuss an individual’s right to privacy, how to safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI), and highlight what types of PHI can be shared and what information needs to be kept confidential. Finally, we will share real examples of investigations into potential HIPAA violations to give you a sense of what constitutes a violation.

    Click Here To Register

These training courses have been approved by the Ohio Department of Medicaid for credit towards Continuing Education requirements outlined in OAC 5160-46-04.

Other Provider Training

Below, please find additional training courses available to help providers successfully navigate requirements. These courses are not approved for continuing education credit hours and CANNOT be used toward the annual 6-hour CE requirement for Non-Agency PCAs.

  • Direct Sign-Up Link:

    Clicking Sign Up from the LMS login screen:

    the Enrollment key = ODMEVVAgencyPhase3

    If at the time of EVV training you do not have your Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) Provider Medicaid ID number, you may enter in ‘9999999’ in the Provider Medicaid ID # required field so you can start the training. Please update the Medicaid ID # field in your profile once you receive your ID. Updating your ID is important because it gives you credit for completing training and notifies ODM and Sandata of your EVV training status.

    If you are a non-agency user, please utilize the training below for non agency providers.

  • Direct Sign-Up Link:

    Clicking Sign Up from the LMS login screen:

    the Enrollment key = ODMEVVNonAgencyPhase3

    If at the time of EVV training you do not have your Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) Provider Medicaid ID number, you may enter in ‘9999999’ in the Provider Medicaid ID # required field so you can start the training. Please update the Medicaid ID # field in your profile once you receive your ID. Updating your ID is important because it gives you credit for completing training and notifies ODM and Sandata of your EVV training status.

    If you are a non-agency user, you may enter in ‘Non Agency User’ in the Agency Name required field.