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SAVE THE DATE !!! IN-PERSON Training for Home and Community-Based Waiver Providers - Columbus, Ohio 05/13/2025
Public Consulting Group, on behalf of the Ohio Department of Medicaid, will be conducting (1) IN-PERSON training on May 13th!
SAVE THE DATE !!! IN-PERSON Training for Home and Community-Based Waiver Providers - Columbus, Ohio 02/05/2025
Public Consulting Group, on behalf of the Ohio Department of Medicaid, will be conducting (1) IN-PERSON training around the State.
ATTENTION PROVIDERS: Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) 2025 Is Now in Progress
The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) is mandated to participate in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) program. This will assess our payment accuracy rate for the Medicaid and CHIP programs. If chosen in a random sample, your organization will soon receive a Medical Records Request from the CMS review contractor, Empower AI. This cycle measurement will review Medicaid and CHIP payments made in Reporting Year (RY) 2025: July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
Appendix Rule K Updates Training
During the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), CMS provided flexibilities to the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules through Appendix K. With the ending of the PHE in May 2023, these flexibilities ended on January 1, 2024. This training will cover changes to OAC rules concerning Ohio Home Care and MyCare waivers.
Important information: Fee-for-service reimbursement rate increases
Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) is pleased to announce the rollout of substantial reimbursement rate increases effective January 1, 2024. These increases are part of Governor Mike DeWine’s commitment to making sure every Ohioan receives quality care and that providers receive support to continue delivering the highest level of care for Ohio’s residents.
IMPORTANT: Medicaid Agreement Revalidations in the Provider Network Management Module
Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) will begin terminating providers who fail to complete their revalidation prior to their specified deadline, starting January 23, 2024. Click “Read More” below to learn more about provider revalidation and access resources to support you through the revalidation process.
IMPORTANT: Medicaid Agreement Revalidations in the Provider Network Management Module
Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) resumed provider revalidation notices in June 2023 as part of the federally required unwinding process from the COVID public health emergency. Click “Read More” below to learn more about provider revalidation and access resources to support you through the revalidation process.
Notice of compliance requirements due to Appendix K flexibility unwinding for providers
Please view this important information from the Ohio Department of Medicaid regarding Appendix K flexibility unwinding for providers deemed eligible during the pandemic to provide services to Ohio Home Care or MyCare members.
Adult Day Health Service Guidance
ODM wants to make you aware of new emergency provisions affecting adult day services in home and community-based service waivers administered by ODM and the Ohio Department of Aging (ODA).
COVID-19 Guidance and FAQ Updates 2023
ODM has provided updated guidance and FAQ’s regarding the latest updates on COVID-19 impacting OHCW, PASSPORT, and MyCare providers.
COVID-19 Guidance and FAQ Updates
ODM has provided updated guidance and FAQ’s regarding the latest updates on COVID-19 impacting OHCW, PASSPORT, and MyCare providers.
Expanding Direct Care Workforce in Ohio’s HCBS Waivers
ODM wants to make you aware of new emergency provisions affecting Ohio’s direct care workforce.
COVID-19 Guidance and FAQ Updates
ODM has provided guidance and FAQ’s regarding the latest updates on COVID-19 impacting OHCW, PASSPORT, and MyCare providers.