Expanding Direct Care Workforce in Ohio’s HCBS Waivers 

ODM wants to make you aware of new emergency provisions affecting Ohio’s direct care workforce. ODM sought and received approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to ease restrictions on family members being providers in Ohio’s home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers. Effective immediately, agency providers of specific waiver services are permitted to hire individuals who may have been previously excluded from furnishing waiver services.

This flexibility is intended to expand the direct care workforce available in HCBS waivers administered by ODM, the Ohio Department of Aging and the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities. Please find more information about these new provisions below:

Also linked above is a copy of the press release issued on June 30, 2020 regarding the PASSPORT waiver. Thank you for your continued support of individuals served through Ohio’s Medicaid program.


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